This is me taken a few minutes ago in from the western side of the largest chunk of the Berlin wall still standing. Sorry for the lack of smile, but after reading about the third reich for an hour, you'd look pretty grim too. I think it was Indiana Jones who succintly put it: "Nazis... I hate those guys"
I blew my timing this morning and missed the New Berlin tour related to the communist occupation. So I went it alone with the help of newly purchased, and overpriced copy of Lonely Planet Central Europe (which covers the countries I'm visiting not in the Eastern Europe book)
After buying my train ticket to Zurich at Alexanderplatz (I'm now taking a direct overnight train tomorrow night and will be arriving about 9AM on the 26th), took the S-Bahn (which is the above ground train, as opposed to the U-Bahn which is underground... duh) to Kuffurstendamm which is a major shopping area.
It's also there where the bombed out remains of a chuch from WWII, left in it's current state as a monument for peace.
Successfully hunted down the book I needed, and then went to a couple of records shops. Nothing much to speak of (sorry dad... not much beatles). Grabbed a quick lunch (chicken schnityel and pototoes, washed down with a coke... in a bottle!), and walked to Checkpoint charlie.
So that's about it. It doesn't sound like much, but there's a huge amount of displays in this area explaining the surrounding area. Takes a while damnit.
Gonna try again for the New Berlin tour tomorrow, but I'm starting to think I'm not going to get the most of Berlin. This city is so rich in history, culture, nightlife... and I've barely scratched the surface. Already planning on my next trip to europe, whenever that is.
Since I haven't posted many pictures in the last few days, and I'm (finally) at a well equipped internet cafe, I'll make it up by posting a bunch now.
(Note to self: Bring laptop next time. There's free wifi everywhere)
The TV Tower at Alexanderplatz:
Brandenburg Gate:
A panda, eating a bavarian pretzel, in the berlin zoo. Fitting ja?
Checkpoint charlie:
That's it for now. Probably won't be an update tomorrow as I'm travelling but we'll see.
Til next time.
Matt, looks like you've got a very straight left arm, that points forward!!! Ha ha! I love the fact that I can see what you're up to almost every day!
Sorry that photo of Knut not as cute as the Vanity fair cover he got as a cub.
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