Started with pints in the pub downstairs here at Sir Toby's Hostel, playing drinking games. Evil... evil drinking games. Ended up at dance club called Mecca, purported to be the best and most trendy dance club in Prague. It sucked. I literallyspent 2 minutes in there, did a quick tour, saw the dance floor and then bailed.
I bailed on the guys from Toronto I was with, and hooked up with a large group of Australians, Germans (and 1 french girl) and ended up at CrossClub, purported to be the best underground club in Prague. In this case, the reputation was justified. This place was amazing. A labyrinth of rooms, all decorated like something out of a H.R. Geiger painting, each with different music. For those familiar with Montreal, it was a cross between Foufounes and St. Sulpice... but way better. Drank too much, ate the world's sketchiest sandwich at around 3AM, and here we are today... a little worse for wear. Oh well... live and learn (although you'd think I'd have learned by now)
Otherwise, I've been exploring Prague and loving it.
Wednesday afternoon, after my last blog post and despite the intermittent pouring rain, I went out to see the Prague Castle. Started by hiking up the hills to the left of the castle to see the best view of prague. Wasn't dissapointed.
Monument against communism:
View of Prague from the hill (taken by the fool on the hill)
After getting quite lost in the hills, finally made my way to the castle. Should have done things the other way around (castle 1st, hills 2nd) cuz I was pretty tired and drenched in sweat by the time I reached the castle.
(ok... I'm getting kinda tired of taking pictures of myself.)
St-Vitus Cathederal was pretty awe-inspring and the old royal palace was interesting. But the tourist thing kinda gets old quick.
Crossed the Charles Bridge pretty quickly (a little over-rated I found), found a couple of mediocre records stores. Found some street meat and headed back to the hostel where I spent the night in the pub practicing my french with a guy from Blainville, QC and a girl from Bretagne France.
Yesterday I did an excursion to Kutná Hora. The Sedlec Ossuary was all I hoped it would be... the remains of 40,000 people used for church decoration! Rocking!
The Church of St Barbara was pretty damn impressive, up there with St Vitus in terms of grandeur. But enough churches now...
The plan for tomorrow is do an excusion to Terezin where there was a notorious WWII prison and concentration camp. This will make up a bit for not getting to Poland and seeing Aushwitz.
After that, no clue. I'm booked at the hostel in Zurich Switzerland from the 26th to the 1st. So I have a couple of days to kill. I toyed with the idea of going to Munich for Oktoberfest, but I'd have a snowballs chance in hell of finding a place to stay during the opening weekend of the fest.
So I'm toying with the idea of going to Berlin for a few days. Will decide tonight.
Random Notes:
- This hostel is amazing, but I thik it's setting the bar too high for the rest of my trip.
- Did I mention that a pint of beer here is 25 Kc? That's about a dollar! and it's amazing beer.
- When I first got to prague, I met a guy from Coppenhagen on the tram that was a dead ringer for Michael Moore. I seriously did a double take. Was gonna mention something to him but decided against it. Two reasons: a) he probably has no clue who he was. b) even if he did, it's not really a compliment.
- Canadian dollar is at par with the US dollar. Holy crap!
That's it for now. Logging off.
Sorry for that last comment - I love your blog - I can live vicariously through you. Was absinthe the reason for the nasty hangover?
Nah. Just beer. Sweet, evil beer. If I had partaken in the absinthe, it would have beeen really bad news.
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