Safely in Prague after 22 hours of travel and half-decent nights sleep.
Popped 2 Gravol as soon as I boarded the plane in Montreal and got nice and drowsy quickly. Still, only managed about 3 hours of solid sleep before the lights came on and they were serving breakfast (stupid time difference). A little excitement on the place when a guy passed out in the aisle right next to me. It was serious enough that they had to ask to see if there was a doctor on the place. I asked "Surely you're joking?". The doctor said "I never joke.. and don't call me Shirley". They guys alright but he was looking a little worse for wear and keeping that handy barf bag handy.
Random thought at Montreal Trudeau airport: Why exactly do they sell porn in the magazine shop in the terminal? I mean, it's not as if yr gonna crack open a copy of club international on the plane with a nice old lady sitting next to you. Shit... I feel guilty reading Maxim with someone sitting next to me!
Uneventful layover in London Heathrow, except for a delicious cappuccino. Started freaking out a little that I had absolutely no idea how to get Vienna to Prague, and no place to stay.
Approach to Vienna was amazing. The 3000 ft view of the farmlands is an amazing patchwork of browns and greens. Also, the rolling hills with small communities look amazing. Vienna on the other hand seemed a little boring (from the little I saw of it). I fly back from there on Oct 13th, but I don't think I'll spend much time.
After way too much time dicking around at the Vienna airport trying to figure out where to go, made my way to the train station to catch the 3:30PM train to Prague. Uneventful train ride, except for the massive of group of Koreans getting steadily sloshed as the trip went on. Those guys and girls could drink.
Been a while since I've taken a train ride like that, and it was cool. Nice laid back way of traveling. Looking out the window reminded me of that Chemical Brothers video.
I hated this video the 1st time I saw it, thinking "Goddamn, that's a boring video". Then I saw it again and it clicked. Absolutely Brilliant.
Here's a picture of me on the train to Prague. It's blurry because I was so cracked out from lack of sleep and my hands were shaking:
So. After about 22 hours of travel, I finally got to Prague. I found the 1st available hotel (1500KC, about 80$ CDN. Includes breakfast though). Gonna spend 1 more night there while I get my bearings and find a decent hostel to stay at. That, and I don't want to deal with any curfews as I may stay out late tonight and catch Gorilla Biscuits (Old-school hardcore band from NYC) who are in town tonight.
So far, Prague is great, but I've been stuck so far in some very touristy areas. I'm writing this a couple of blocks from the Old Town Square (beautiful architecture!) at a place called Bohemia Bagels (Bottomless cup of coffee and cheap internet access. We've got a winner!)
Here's a picture of the old town square in Prague:
And a statue of guy riding a horse that's dead and hanging upside down (What the?):
That's it for now. I'm off to do some more explorin'
'Til next time, signing off.
Matty Matt
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