Our patron saint: Mr. Hankey - The Christmas Poo

Our patron saint: Mr. Hankey  - The Christmas Poo
sometimes he's nutty... sometimes he's corny

Thursday, October 4, 2007

On my way to Hvar


Visit to Zagreb was short and sweet - but maybe a little too short.

Managed to walk around for about 45 minutes yesterday evening, and enjoyed what I saw. Cool little city. I might come back on my way back from the south for a day to see what I missed.

Even better is the nightlife, and atmosphere. Didn't hurt that the Croatian team beat the Amsterdam team in the football champion league last night. People were going nuts! Would have loved to stay out last night, but an early bus to Split awaits.

After 3 weeks of this, you definitely start seeing the patterns.

  • Roll into town

  • Find the hostel

  • Talk to your fellow travellers, and ask the following questions:

    • Where you from?

    • Where have you been?

    • Where are you going?

    • How long are you travelling for?

    • And oh ya... what's your name

    • Wait 30 minutes, apologize, and ask his/her name again cuz I forgot.

  • Hook up with people from the hostel, go for supper and beers.

  • And repeat.

  • Seriously, these hostels make it so easy to travel alone. I can't believe I was nervous about this trip. Last night, went out to a Crotian restaurant with an amazing outdoor terrase with an Aussie (Matt - Easy name to remember), a Brit (Dan) and a Frenchman (Sylvain) who didn't speak english too well, but I translated. Good times had by all.

    All right. Time to hit the road.

    Next update (assuming I can find a computer) is from the island of Hvar. Til next time.

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