Our patron saint: Mr. Hankey - The Christmas Poo

Our patron saint: Mr. Hankey  - The Christmas Poo
sometimes he's nutty... sometimes he's corny

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sarajevo, Bosnia

Alright. Gonna keep this short... no really! Not like the last time where I said it would be short and ended up being book-length!

Took the early train this morning from Mostar to Sarajevo. Amazing scenery... but a pretty sketchy train. Swarthy looking bosnian men chain smoking everywhere. Got to Sarajevo and saw my own breath. It's freaking cold and raining.

Staying at Haris Hostel tonight. Will try to go out tonight, and then take it easy tomorrow before m y afternoon flight to Vienna.

This is it. The home stretch.

And let me tell, only having one day in a particular city sucks.

Walked around Mostar yesterday in the rain, which made seeing all those bombed out buildings even more sombre. I'd post pictures, but there seems to be something wrong with the 'Blogger' picture upload functionality. When I get back to Montreal, I'll be posting up a proper slideshow of pictures. What I've posted here is just the tip of the iceburg - I've almost filled 2 2GB memory cards with pictures and videos.

The famous bridge in Mostar was nice and all, but it would have been nice if it was sunnier out. I also went to the main mosque and climbed the minurette.

Sarajevo has been interesting, but the weather definitely puts a damper on it. I went to the spot where Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his pregnant wife were assasinated by Gavrilo Princip, the spark that started World War I. Yes... Franz Ferdinand is not just a scottish rock group.

Otherwise, it's somewhat similar to Mostar, but bigger. That's a good thing.

Random bits:
- In 2 days, I've eaten Bosnian Burek 3 times. Might go again on the way back to the hostel. So tasty!
- Bosnian is one of the pedestrian unfriendly countries I've been to. Comparing this driver habits here to Switzerland is like night and day.

Alright. That's it.

I'm not 100% sure, but this may be my last post until I get back to Montreal saturday evening. Internet is busted at the hostel, and not sure yet what I'm doing in Vienna.

So either way, til next time.

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