I took an early train from Budapest and arrived in Zagreb at around 2PM. This is me in the central square.
My hostel, The Fulir Hostel, is a block away from this square. Nice central location, very clean, very cool and helpful guy runs the place.
I'll be taking a bus tomorrow morning to Split and then immediately a ferry to the island of Hvar. Gonna use that as my homebase and will do daytrips to Dubrovnik and the othe island. I'll be at the Green Lizard hostel in Hvar for 4 nights. Then maybe Split, and then maybe the Crotian National Park which is supposed to be amazing, annd then I dunno. Gotta somehow make make my way to Vienna for the 13th so I can fly back home. Man... only about a week left. Then again, I am kinda looking forward to getting home.
So I've been fighting a cold for the last few days. I think the cold is winning. Advil does wonders though.
Alright. It's time to catch up with the pictures.
This is a picture, through a window, of the Gruyere production. Hmmm... Cheesy.
Best meal in Zurich. The outdoor terrase at Bellevue for Bratwurst, chicken, fries and beer. It was no Chalet BBQ, but it did the job.
Actually, 2nd best meal in Zurich. The Rösti and Pan fried veal with mushrooms in the white wine sauce was probably the best of the meal of the trip. Better have been for 30$ CDN.
Chalet BBQ - First place I hit when I get back to Montreal.
And then I start going back to gym.
This was a cool statue in front of a concert venue in Budapest. Creeeeeepy.
Me at Hösök tere, the central square, in Pest:
Széchenyi Fürdő, the thermal baths and swimming pools in the central square in Pest. 12$ well spent for 3 hours of rest and relaxation. Way too many guys in Speedos though.
There's a statue in the bottom right of that picture of a swam suckling a woman's breast. Did a double take on that one. Very odd.
Yesterday, wednesday, I finished up in Budapest by exploring Buda. Walked up Gellért Hill to the Citadella, and got a great view of the city.
Not sure if you see it in the picture, but I was literally dripping sweat by the time I got to the top of that hill. Was quite the hike.
Walked down the hill, and went to the Castle area. It was nice, but I preferred the one in Prague. To be honest, I'm a little tired of touristy stuff at the moment. Once you a church or two, or a castle or two, you're enthusiasm starts to wane a bit. I do want to see the Habsburg palace in Vienna if I have time.
I did get to watch an official governent visit from the President (or prime minister) of Slovenia (I think!). Full soldier march routine.
Got back to the hostel, went out for supper with an Aussie and Sascha from Laval (Pork stew, Hungarian style... with a very cheap 0.5L bottle of Stella), and just relaxed and watched the movie '16 Blocks' with Bruce Willis. I'm sorry I didn't get to experience Budapest's supposedely amaying night life, but I was just too tired, and trying to stave off this cold.
There was a woman, 70 years old, staying at the hostel in Budapest. Travelling alone through Eastern Europe for 2 months. If she can do it, anyone can.
Alright. That's it for now. Til next time.
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